My First Mobile App Development Attempt and Why I Gave Up


After working on a mobile app for about three months, I ultimately decided to abandon the project. In short, the restrictions on iOS background execution made it impossible to create what I envisioned. In this article, I’ll share the development process and explain why I gave up. Whew, it was exhausting!...

Things I learned when I started using React at work


Until now, I had only used React in my private life. Recently, I've had more opportunities to use React at work, so I thought I'd document what I've learned....

Developing an oEmbed component with WebComponents and what I learned


I developed and released an oEmbed component with WebComponents. I would like to list what I learned during the development....

Thoughts on Using Ruby on Rails in Business


Since January 2022, I started using Ruby on Rails (hereinafter, Rails) at my new workplace. I have experience with PHP's CakePHP, Node.js's Express, and Python's Flask, but I had a hard time getting used to Rails. I will try to articulate this loosely. By the way, this was also my first time using Ruby....

Knowing the History Before Learning React


What is this? I will briefly introduce the history of why React was born. (Just a little research) Background Recently, I started learning React. In the process, I wondered why I should learn React and what features it has....

Writing about what I learned from being infected with the Omicron variant


On January 24, 2022, I was infected with the Omicron variant. There was a lot I didn't know, so I thought I'd write about what I learned. Please note that this is based on my personal experience, and I don't know if it's generally applicable....

Building a TikTok Scraping Infrastructure on GCP and the Challenges Faced


We have built a batch to scrape TikTok on GCP. We will share the system design story of GCP construction and the challenges we faced during the construction....

Learning How Browsers Work


As a web front-end engineer, it's only natural to be interested in how browsers work. In this article, I will document the process of learning about the workings of a browser....

It's become harder to "ask casually" since remote work started


With the increasing prevalence of remote work, many engineers are getting used to working online. I am one of those engineers and have been working remotely for about a year. When I returned to the office after a long time, I realized the ease of casually starting a conversation. I would like to delve deeper into this experience....

What I, an engineer in my late 20s, need to learn from now on


I am a 26-year-old web engineer. I would like to think a little about how I have learnt about technology in the past and how I will learn about technology in the future....

Everything you need to know about Micro Frontends


I have read more than 100 articles related to Micro Frontends (listed in the reference article). What I learned about Micro Frontends is documented in this post. I also leave my research notes in the following repository....

Introducing a Tool for Bulk Updating Account Images and What I Learned


I developed a tool, puppeteer-account-manager, that can update profile information (images, etc.) for various services like Google and Github all at once. I will introduce the purpose of development and the knowledge gained from it....

Everything I Learned About Micro Frontends


There is a web frontend architecture called Micro Frontends. To understand this architecture, I read books and developed a simple sample web application. I would like to record everything I learned from there as minutes....

Cotlin is a Tool for Collecting Links on Twitter, Discover Presentations from Around the World


I created a tool called Cotlin to collect links posted on Twitter. The name Cotlin comes from "Collect links in tweet". It's similar to that thing on Android....

Why the Combination of FetchAll and RedirectURL in Google Apps Script is Bad


I had a problem with Google Apps Script (hereinafter referred to as GAS), so I thought I would leave it as a note....

I tried creating rMinc, a service that registers GMail to GCalendar


Target user * People using GMail and GCalendar Isn't it troublesome to open emails? For example, suppose you received the following emails. * An email with the expected delivery date when you purchased a product on Amazon * An email with the screening date when you made an online reservation at a movie theater (TOHO CINEMA) * An email with the stay date when you made an online reservation at a hotel...

I Tried Making a One-Frame Comic Search Service Tiqav2 (Algolia + Cloudinary + Google Cloud Vision API)


Conversations with images are fun. Do you use emojis or images when communicating with chat tools? I use them often. When communicating with people, it feels stiff if it's just text. For example, if it's just a phrase like "OK, please proceed with that.", it's hard to understand what kind of emotion the other person has....

Sharing All Experiences of First-time Writing at Techbook Fest 7


I wrote for the first time at Techbook Fest 7. The purpose of this article * A memorandum of what I did in writing * I want to help those who are considering writing The actual book for sale is the one below....