Created a GAS Library, zoom-meeting-creator, to Automatically Generate Zoom Meetings


Are you using Zoom? I have released a GAS library that automatically generates Zoom meetings, and I would like to introduce the background and how to use it....

Cotlin is a Tool for Collecting Links on Twitter, Discover Presentations from Around the World


I created a tool called Cotlin to collect links posted on Twitter. The name Cotlin comes from "Collect links in tweet". It's similar to that thing on Android....

Why the Combination of FetchAll and RedirectURL in Google Apps Script is Bad


I had a problem with Google Apps Script (hereinafter referred to as GAS), so I thought I would leave it as a note....

I tried creating rMinc, a service that registers GMail to GCalendar


Target user * People using GMail and GCalendar Isn't it troublesome to open emails? For example, suppose you received the following emails. * An email with the expected delivery date when you purchased a product on Amazon * An email with the screening date when you made an online reservation at a movie theater (TOHO CINEMA) * An email with the stay date when you made an online reservation at a hotel...

I want to test with Google Apps Script too! (Clasp + Typescript + Jest)


I have published a library in Google Apps Script (hereafter, GAS). When developing the library, I chose a tech stack of `Clasp + Typescript + Jest` to shorten the test feedback cycle. I would like to share my development experience. I haven't done anything particularly unusual....