I read 'Micro Frontends'


I read Micro Frontends written by Luca Mezzalira from DAZN. I thought I'd leave a simple book review....

Defining Fragments Composed in Micro Frontends as Web Components and Sharing them with Module Federation


A brief introduction on how to define fragments composed in Micro Frontends (hereafter, MFE) as Web Components and share them with Module Federation....

Micro Frontends on the Client Side (ES Module)


Happy New Year 2021. I look forward to your continued support this year. Recently, I've been working hard on aerobic exercise because I've gained weight. In this article, I would like to talk about Micro Frontends with client-side integration, which I have been testing since last winter. The source code I tested is in the following repository....

Memo Micro Frontends


What are Micro Frontends? Do you know about **Micro Frontends** (hereinafter, MFE)? To put it simply, it is a concept that extends the idea of Microservices to the frontend. We often hear about cases where Microservices are applied on the backend side, but we don't often hear about their application on the frontend....

Building Micro Frontends with Cloudflare Workers (Edge Worker)


This time, I'm going to try building Micro Frontends again. I tried the server-side integration pattern, especially edge-side integration. I will introduce its content. The sample code is left below....

Everything you need to know about Micro Frontends


I have read more than 100 articles related to Micro Frontends (listed in the reference article). What I learned about Micro Frontends is documented in this post. I also leave my research notes in the following repository....

Micro Frontends with Zalando tailor (LitElement & etcetera)


I tried to build a sample web application with Micro Frontends using Tailor, developed by Zalando. Tailor is an architecture that integrates on the server side. On the client side, I integrated it using Lit Element, which is made with Web Components. I thought I would post what it's all about here....

Micro Frontends with SSR in Ara-Framework


Hello everyone, my name is silverbirder. My latest interest is Micro Frontends....

Everything I Learned About Micro Frontends


There is a web frontend architecture called Micro Frontends. To understand this architecture, I read books and developed a simple sample web application. I would like to record everything I learned from there as minutes....