
Cotlin is a Tool for Collecting Links on Twitter, Discover Presentations from Around the World

I created a tool called Cotlin to collect links posted on Twitter.



t lin

ks in tweet

From this, I named it Cotlin. It's similar to that thing on Android.




I have attended technical conferences using connpass and others. The materials presented at the conference are often published on Twitter, so I wanted to create a tool that could automatically collect them. That's why I created Cotlin.

Tech Stack

It's Google Apps Script (Clasp) + Twitter API (tweet search API). I have published a library, and based on that, I have prepared sample code so that you can easily create API and Client. The usage is all in the README.md.


All links described in a Tweet are shortened to t.co. To get the original URL from this shortened URL, you need to redirect. When I actually created it, as I wrote in the following article, there were some challenges when writing with GAS.


So, I was developing in Golang to parallelize the process of requesting multiple redirect URLs.

However, I realized that the original URL is included in the response of the Twitter API (tweet search API) (expanded_url), and eventually, I ended up developing with Google Apps Script (Clasp).

What Went Well

I have automated the process of collecting presentation materials every day and recording them in a spreadsheet.
※ Due to circumstances, only URL links and Tweet links are listed.


I have been able to discover the following types of materials.

  • Presentation materials from around the world
  • Materials from technical conferences I didn't know about
  • Materials individuals and students have made public

From there, I had the following good experiences.

  • "There was someone else who was struggling with testing just like me. They're solving it with a technology called ○○! I didn't know!"
  • "This is a document on the architecture of ○○, which I've been interested in lately. The pros and cons are well summarized, which is great!"
  • "This is a story from a company that is implementing remote work. I'm going to be working remotely too, so I'll get to know their insights in advance!"

Reading materials every day, I come across 2 or 3 items a day that touch my heartstrings. I was very stimulated and glad I made it.

In Conclusion

My motivation to participate in technical conferences, in fact, has been decreasing recently. There are various reasons, but I'll leave them aside.

With tools like this, you can cast a wide net. Thanks to this, I've been able to catch up on various interests.

I plan to keep updating the above spreadsheet, so please make use of it.

If it was helpful, support me with a ☕!


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