
I tried creating rMinc, a service that registers GMail to GCalendar

Target user

  • People using GMail and GCalendar

Isn't it troublesome to open emails?

For example, suppose you received the following emails.

  • An email with the expected delivery date when you purchased a product on Amazon
  • An email with the screening date when you made an online reservation at a movie theater (TOHO CINEMA)
  • An email with the stay date when you made an online reservation at a hotel

"Don't you find it troublesome to think, 'When will the product arrive? Let's check the email'?" I find it troublesome. Google, being considerate, sometimes registers the following schedule for you. (There are pros and cons...)


Whether or not to be considerate depends on Google's judgment, so it's unpredictable. I was hoping that the same thing would be done for the emails I mentioned earlier. So, I created a tool called rMinc.

※ In the past, I created a tool called gas-for-amazon-calendar that registers emails with the expected delivery date from Amazon to GCalendar, but it was too specialized for Amazon's emails and lacked versatility.

What is rMinc?


rMinc is the Google Apps Script Library that register Mail in Calendar.

When you receive GMail from the following services, it extracts the content and registers it in GCalendar.

  • Amazon
    • Shipping notification (expected delivery date)
    • Ticket purchase completion notification (screening date)
  • Shokutakubin
    • Delivery arrangement notification (expected delivery date)

In addition, I think there are other services you want to support, so I made it customizable. For more details, please check README.md.

Here is an overview.

  1. Extract emails with specific keywords
    1. For Amazon, from:(shipment-tracking@amazon.co.jp) shipment
  2. Extract the following from the email
    1. Title
    2. Body
      1. Event start & end date (scheduled date, etc.)
      2. Location (delivery destination, etc.)
    3. Email link
  3. Register the extracted content in GCalendar

When you actually use it, it looks like this.


It's small and hard to see, but the expected delivery date, title, delivery destination, and email link are registered.

Just by running this tool (sample.js) regularly on GAS, it will automatically register the schedule in GCalendar. Of course, it's free.

※ RMinc requires you to register the APP ID in the README.md


Google Apps Script is a very powerful weapon for engineers. Especially for those who actively use G Suite, it is indispensable.

Being able to reach the itchy places is one of the attractive points of Google Apps Script. I definitely want to actively utilize it!

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