I Tried Morning Mindfulness Meditation for a Month


So far, I have been honing my hard and soft skills. Recently, I started thinking about improving my self-management skills through books. Therefore, I continued mindfulness meditation every morning for about a month, and I will write about the experience and the results obtained here....

How to Mock tRPC Communication on Storybook with MSW


tRPC is a framework that allows you to easily build type-safe APIs. During development, if you want to proceed with front-end development on Storybook without waiting for the backend implementation, you can mock the API using Mock Service Worker (MSW). This article explains how to mock tRPC communication with MSW using maloguertin/msw-trpc. As a practical example, the sample code is shared on the GitHub repository silverbirder/trpc-msw-storybook-nextjs....

The Convenience of Google Map Timeline


When I went to a shopping mall by car, the parking fee was free for up to one hour from entry, but I had a vague memory of "When did I enter?". At such times, when I looked at the timeline of Google Map, I knew exactly what time and minute I arrived, and I really felt it was convenient....