
I Tried Morning Mindfulness Meditation for a Month

So far, I have been honing my hard and soft skills. Recently, I started thinking about improving my self-management skills through books. Therefore, I continued mindfulness meditation every morning for about a month, and I will write about the experience and the results obtained here.

One Month of Meditation Practice

Every morning, before starting work, I listened to the following mindfulness meditation tracks selected from Spotify.

Each session lasted about 20 minutes, starting with sitting on the sofa and creating a quiet and calm environment. I used AirPods to block out the sounds of the outside world, and while keeping warm with a blanket, I focused on meditation.

During meditation, I followed the guide's instructions to take deep breaths, "Focus on your breath, recognize the random thoughts that come to your mind, and wait for them to naturally disappear" was the process I repeated over and over. Various thoughts about work and private life crossed my mind, but I quietly recognized them and left them as they were, waiting for them to disappear like bubbles.

What I Gained from Meditation

By continuing to meditate, I think I have become able to quickly perceive the movements of my heart, especially at moments of high stress, and to suppress the waves of emotion before they rise. I particularly feel this change when feelings of anger and anxiety arise. For example, I have increased my ability to recognize for myself that "I am angry about this now", and that realization has helped me control my emotions. As a result, I feel that I have been able to concentrate on the task at hand without being swayed by emotions.

Of course, my reactions to bigger challenges and stress in the future have not yet been tested, but I want to maintain and further deepen this skill of keeping peace of mind that I have cultivated through meditation.

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