
Building a TikTok Scraping Infrastructure on GCP and the Challenges Faced

We have built a batch to scrape TikTok on GCP. We will share the system design story of GCP construction and the challenges we faced during the construction.


In 2020, the most downloaded app was TikTok, which surpassed Facebook.


I also use TikTok.

While surfing the internet, I found a library called tiktok-scraper on the cloudflare site. The idea of using this to collect information from TikTok was the trigger.

※ Scraping is based on private use. Also, let's consider the interval of scraping so as not to put a load on TikTok.



Scrape and download useful information from TikTok. No login or password are required. This is not an official API support and etc. This is just a scraper that is using TikTok Web API to scrape media and related meta information.

As mentioned above, it scrapes through TikTok's WebAPI. With the library, you can download specific TikTok videos, but you can also download TikTok videos in bulk from the following perspectives:

  • User
  • Hashtag
  • Trend
  • Music
Download the video
Download the video
Download videos from various perspectives
Download videos from various perspectives

In addition, you can also get meta-information (such as the number of followers and likes).

Inside, there are also links to TikTok CDN such as user images and video cover images. (https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com)

The link contains characters indicating the expiration date, and after a certain period of time, it becomes Access Denied.

Downloading metadata from various perspectives
Downloading metadata from various perspectives

The information that cannot be obtained is what requires login. For example, the users I follow. I wanted that information, so I somehow got it. (Details omitted) Using that user information, I thought about creating a batch to collect TikTok videos and metadata from the perspective of the user mentioned earlier.

※ If you hit the WebAPI too much, you will be added to TikTok's blacklist and access will be denied.

System Design

As for the environment to run the batch, I thought about building it on GCP, which I often use privately. I also thought about creating a web application to view the data collected by the batch, and decided to run it with Netlify and React.

Web application UI
Web application UI


Collect TikTok videos and metadata of the users I follow.


  • Input
    • User information
  • Output
    • TikTok videos
    • Metadata

GCP Resource Selection

  • TikTok videos
    • Save to Cloud Storage
  • Metadata
    • Save to Cloud SQL
  • Computing resources
    • Cloud Run

Design Diagram

The system design diagram of the actual GCP construction is as follows.

tiktok scrape platform overviews
tiktok scrape platform overviews

The purposes of the GCP resources are as follows.

GCP ResourcePurpose
Cloud SchedulerManage batch launch schedule
Cloud WorlflowsControl batch workflow
Cloud RunProcess according to role
PubSubConnect Cloud Run
Cloud StorageSave videos
AutoML VisionLabel detection of video cover images
Cloud SQLManage all metadata

The roles of each Cloud Run are as follows.

Cloud Run NameRole
LoaderLoad user information
ProcessorPerform a series of processes
ScraperScrape TikTok
StorerSave the passed information
UploaderDownload videos and upload to Storage
VisionerExtract label information through Vision API
APIInterface with Cloud SQL

Things I Struggled With

Strict Limitations of Cloud Workflows

Initially, I thought of using Cloud Workflows for the integration of Cloud Run, without using PubSub. I thought it would be easier to control the workflow with the yaml of Cloud Workflows than to control the workflow with PubSub. Specifically, I was thinking of making an HTTP request to Cloud Run and calling the next Cloud Run according to the HTTP response.

However, Cloud Workflows has several limitations, as written on the following page.


What troubled me in particular was that the total memory of all variables is 64kb. If you adopt a configuration that holds the Body of the HTTP response in a variable, you have to consider its size. I tried to review several ways, but I couldn't finish it as I wanted and gave up. As a result, I decided to use PubSub to link Cloud Run. Cloud Workflows was used to kick off batches and send notifications.

It's Difficult to Move to ±2 Pages or More with Firestore's Page Cursor

Initially, I was using Firestore, which has a free tier for data storage in GCP. The reason was simply because Firestore was available as a GCP free tier.

Initially, I was writing a batch and a web app using Firestore. I prepared a View in the web app to list the TikTok videos collected by the batch.

As the number of TikTok videos to browse increased, I wanted pagination. So, when I looked up how to implement pagination with Firestore, I found the following document.


Looking at this, it's easy to move ±1 page from the current position for pagination. As in the sample code in the document, all you have to do is use startAfter.

var first = db.collection("cities").orderBy("population").limit(25);

return first.get().then((documentSnapshots) => {
  // Get the last visible document
  var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length - 1];
  console.log("last", lastVisible);

  // Construct a new query starting at this document,
  // get the next 25 cities.
  var next = db

But what should you do if you want to move to ±2 pages or more from the current position? In the above sample code, should you copy and paste first to generate a second variable? Rather, I would like an offset method. However, I found the following document and decided to give up.


Do not use offsets. Instead, use cursors. When you use an offset, the skipped documents are not returned to your application, but they are still retrieved internally. The skipped documents affect the latency of your queries, and the read operations required to retrieve such documents are billable.

So, you are recommended to use query cursors.

A possible solution might be to have a field indicating the order. For example, if you have a field called order and data incremented by 1,2,3, you might be able to clear it. The argument for startAfter can include not only the document object but also the variables of the fields specified in the orderBy clause.

var next = db.collection("cities").orderBy("order").startAfter(50).limit(25);

With this, if you display 25 pieces of data per page, you can get the 3rd page (51~75). (startAfter does not include the starting point)


After all, I, who was more accustomed to the design of RDB than the document-based design, thought that Cloud SQL was easier to handle than Firestore. So, I decided to switch the data storage from Firestore to Cloud SQL. The modification itself was easy because the roles of Cloud Run were clearly separated, and I only had to rewrite some of the processes.

Eventarc's Resource Selection is Insufficient

We use Eventarc for the integration of Cloud Run and PubSub.


In October last year, we announced a new event feature, Eventarc, which can send events from over 60 Google Cloud sources to Cloud Run. Eventarc reads audit logs from various sources and sends them as CloudEvents format events to Cloud Run services. It can also read events from the Pub/Sub topics of custom applications.

I was considering designing with the Object.create of Cloud Storage as the source of this Eventarc. However, there are only two options for filtering that event.


As of the time of writing (August 2021), the following two are possible.

  • All resource
  • Specific resource

All resource triggers the Object.create event in all Cloud Storage buckets. Specific resource triggers only when a specific Object name is created. What I wanted was filtering by regular expressions of Specific resource, limiting under any bucket or folder, etc. For example, in the form of gs://bucket/folder/*.json. Currently, you can only do gs://bucket/folder/A.json.

This time, I made it trigger only with the event of PubSub.

If CloudRun Triggered by PubSub Returns HTTP Response 500, PubSub is Retried

In Cloud Run, if there is a 5XX series error, PubSub will be retried.


If PubSub is executed many times, the computing resources of Cloud Run will continue to be consumed. Then, you will be charged, so you need to take measures.

Cloud Workflows Processing Cannot Be Customized Much

Cloud Workflows is just for workflow management. It is better to just connect the tasks of the workflow without using basic variable processing. The following document is the standard function that can be used with Cloud Workflows.


The function to parallelize the tasks of the workflow is still experimental, so it seems that it cannot be used in the production environment.


In Conclusion

Although the system design has changed frequently, we have been able to collect the desired TikTok videos and metadata. Even if there are changes, by keeping the roles as small as possible, we can respond flexibly to changes. Also, by actually operating it, there are points that can be noticed, so it is important to shorten the feedback cycle.

There is still room for improvement. We have been collecting information from the perspective of user information, but we would like to be able to obtain it from trends and hashtags as well. Also, by creating user RSS, we are thinking of trying to save money.

If it was helpful, support me with a ☕!


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