
Building Micro Frontends with Cloudflare Workers (Edge Worker)

This time, I'm going to try building Micro Frontends again. I tried the server-side integration pattern, especially edge-side integration. I will introduce its content. The sample code is left below.


What is Edge Side Include (ESI)?


ESI is similar to SSI, and it's one of the mechanisms to insert content on the server-side. In the case of ESI, I understand that the content (page fragment) to be inserted is on the Edge side. Therefore, there is a benefit that Edge cache can be applied for each content. Currently, the ESI language specification has been submitted to W3C, but it has not been approved. CDN companies like Akamai and cache proxy servers like Varnish have partially implemented ESI.

It's financially difficult to try Akamai personally, and I don't want to describe Varnish's VCL (I don't like it). So, I'm going to try a mechanism called Edge Worker.

The following quote is from the Akamai blog.

EdgeWorkers is a new service that allows you to run custom program code on Akamai's Edge servers distributed around the world


In other words, Edge Workers is a service that allows you to run program code, such as Javascript, on the platform provided by CDN.

Edge Workers

For personal use, there are Edge Workers such as fly.io and Cloudflare Workers. The latter, Cloudflare Workers, has a feature called HTMLRewriter that rewrites HTML, which seemed to be useful for Micro Frontends, so I will use Cloudflare Workers this time.


I thought about the following configuration.

Cloudflare worker + Micro Frontends
Cloudflare worker + Micro Frontends

※ Influenced by Podium and Ara-Framework.
※ Written in sketch style of draw.io.

Each block becomes Cloud Workers.

Simply put, I will explain from left to right of the diagram. The Router manages the routing of the web application. In routing, based on the content of the HTTP request, it determines which page to distribute. On the distributed page, HTML is constructed including the fragments mentioned later. This HTML is processed by HTMLRewiter, and if there are fragments in the Proxy, they are replaced with the HTML of the fragments. In the fragment, the PATH to get HTML, CSS, JS is returned in JSON format. The URL to return JSON is unified as /manifest.json.

By adopting such a configuration, it is possible to divide the responsible areas. For example, Team 1 manages Fragment A and Page X, and Team 2 manages Fragment B, C, and Page Y.

Also, Rust's WebAssembly can be incorporated with the following template.


You can mix fragments that process specific heavy processing with Rust's WebAssembly into the page.

Problems Encountered During Construction

Communication between Edge Workers within the same domain is not possible

Cloudflare Workers will run on any domain. For example, if there are multiple Cloudflare Workers X and Y within Domain A, Communication from X to Y is not possible.


Therefore, if you use multiple Cloudflare Workers, you will need multiple domains. In the previous example, Cloudflare Workers X belonging to Domain A can communicate with Cloudflare Workers Y belonging to Domain B. I purchased multiple tk domains (free) from freenom.


Cannot request directly to IP address

I had a problem during local development. When developing Cloudflare Workers locally, you verify with a command called wrangler:dev. During verification, even if you try to access the URL (localhost:XXXX) of another Cloudflare Workers, it fails because it becomes a direct IP.


Therefore, I solved it using the following services.



The constraints by Cloudflare Workers are large

On Cloudflare's platform, the following runtime APIs are available.


I don't understand the mechanism of Cloudflare Workers, but I think I couldn't use anything other than these provided APIs.

In conclusion

Edge, in my impression, was something to just place static content. Knowing the existence of dynamic content, namely Edge Workers, I feel that the world of Edge has expanded. If you place a web application closer to the user, like Edge, you can expect improved response speed.

It was more about Edge Workers than Micro Frontends, wasn't it? (laughs)

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