
What I, an engineer in my late 20s, need to learn from now on

I am currently a 26-year-old web engineer. I would like to think a bit about how I have learned about technology in the past and how I will learn about technology in the future.

Early 20s so far

When I joined the company as a new graduate, I was learning web application development using a combination of PHP + MySQL on AWS for my work. Apart from that, I was also developing web applications with Node.js + MongoDB on SAKURA rental servers in my private life.

At the time, I was satisfied with being able to somewhat run the front-end and back-end of web application development, Influenced by my seniors, fellow engineers and recommended books, I became interested in everything.

  • Technologies that are essential for engineers, such as SQL, regular expressions and character codes.
  • How to handle shellscripts such as sed, awk and make
  • Ideas that generate paradigm shifts in thinking, such as procedural, object-oriented and functional
  • Application design such as MVC, MVVM and CleanArchtecture
  • TDD development using unit testing, E2E testing, etc.
  • DevOps development using CI/CD
  • Automated construction of infrastructure and middleware
  • CloudNative application development
  • Web design such as SSR, SPA and SEO
  • Interpreter and compiler languages
  • Component-based front-end development
  • Web game development
  • Big data handling technologies
  • Various cloud service technologies
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Bot development, scraping techniques, GAS and other business improvements

I think I learned a wide range of areas related to web applications from all angles.

Late 20s from now on

I think one career path is to continue to find fields that interest you and learn as much as you can. However, I am not overconfident, but I am confident that I can probably become somewhat proficient if I try.

However, for my part, I think it is time to move from a broad and shallow field to a narrow and deep field of study (specialisation). Maybe it's time to think about what area I want to pursue.

What do I want to pursue?

Do you want to simply pursue software technology and become a tech lead? Or do you want to become a manager, such as a project manager or an engineering manager? In other words, I want to aim for the former. Specifically, I would like to pursue a specialisation in web-related fields. I also aspire to a profession like an architect.

Although languages such as Vue and React are different, the deliverables of web applications are not so different. If that is the case, I think it would be less interesting to learn languages with similar vectors.

Instead, I have recently found it more fun to think about which layer should have what role, how classes should be designed, what system structure should be used to speed up the response time, and so on.

In addition to the architect's point of view, I would also like to focus on keeping up with the future of the Web, such as the Native (standard) part of the Web, browsers and the W3C trend.

Based on these, I would like to aim for a position like 'an architect with a high degree of expertise in the web'.


It's like a poem. These are my recent worries.

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