
How to Set Up Your Antenna in Technology (Ride on the Shoulders of Giants!)

Engineers, I believe, usually catch up on technology from various places. It could be through social media, blogs, or videos. So, I would like to introduce how I set up my antenna to catch up on technology.


RSS is good. You can get technical information from your favorite companies or services at irregular intervals. In particular, I recommend the RSS of major company blogs and services that you are interested in.

Tech Blog







Following the official Twitter accounts is also a good idea. In addition, it would be beneficial to follow engineers who are proficient in specific fields, as well as community accounts.

For example, in my case, I follow the following accounts.


This is my custom tool. Using the Twitter API, it collects technical slides from Speakerdeck, GoogleSlides, etc. into a Spreadsheet. When study groups or conferences are held, they are often advertised on Twitter, so you can automatically catch up with this tool. In addition, you can learn about presentations from not only Japan but also around the world.


I am a paid member of Medium. Medium is filled with high-quality tech-related posts. As a free member, there is a limit to the number of views per day, which I found a bit stressful, so I became a paid member.

Hatena Blog

I look at today's hot entries to get a quick overview of what's trending and what areas are of interest.

In addition to technology, I also look at general fields.


I came up with this idea and decided to post it on the spur of the moment. I hope it will be of some help to someone.

If it was helpful, support me with a ☕!


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