
Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 01. Choosing the Environment -


  1. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 01. Choosing the Environment -
  2. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 02. Docker For Mac -
  3. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 03. Raspberry Pi -
  4. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 04. kubectl -
  5. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 05. workloads Part 1 -
  6. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 06. workloads Part 2 -
  7. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 07. workloads Part 3 -
  8. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 08. discovery&LB Part 1 -
  9. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 09. discovery&LB Part 2 -
  10. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 10. config&storage Part 1 -
  11. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 11. config&storage Part 2 -
  12. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 12. Resource Limitations -
  13. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 13. Health Checks and Container Lifecycle -
  14. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 14. Scheduling -
  15. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 15. Security -
  16. Starting to Learn Kubernetes a Step Behind - 16. Components -


I want to learn how to use Kubernetes (undefined) But, I have other things I want to do (app development) so I'll put it off~ So, I'm going to seriously try to use Kubernetes, which I haven't really learned until now. ✨


iMac (21.5-inch, 2017)

My knowledge level is, "I know Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool," and I've heard related terms, but I don't understand them well.

Where to start?

It seems easier and simpler to start with the managed service GKE. 😍


GKE Standard Cluster Template 1
GKE Standard Cluster Template 1

Nodes are the machines that hold pods (containers), right? (Pod and Node)

GKE Standard Cluster Template 2
GKE Standard Cluster Template 2

Well, the default is fine, right? 🤔

GKE Standard Cluster Template 3
GKE Standard Cluster Template 3

I don't understand any of the words...(Istio? Auto-provisioning? Vertical pod auto-scaling?) 🤔🤔🤔

Let's learn on Mac where we can try Kubernetes...

It's a waste to run GKE in a state where I don't understand the meaning, because it costs money and I don't know what I'm doing. It seems that Kubernetes can be used on Docker For Mac, so I think I'll start learning there... 💪

The next one is here.

If it was helpful, support me with a ☕!


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