
Want to be a Virtual Beauty on Mac! (Zoom + Gachikoe + 3Tene or Reality)

The trigger

Are you all doing remote work (telework)? I think the opportunities to use video conferencing tools like Hangouts Meet and Zoom have increased.

Amidst this, the following article became popular.


Virtual Beauty (Babiniku) is an abbreviation for Virtual Beautiful Girl Incarnation or Virtual Beautiful Girl Self-Incarnation.


With this, in video conferences (example is Zoom), the following virtual beautiful girl (me pretending to be) can participate. Of course, you can also change your voice.

Virtual Beautiful Girl (me)
Virtual Beautiful Girl (me)
Whiteboard in Zoom
Whiteboard in Zoom

On Windows, it seems you can easily build it with an app called Facerig.

I'm going to introduce how to build this on Mac. I think you can do it with Mac + Bootcamp → Windows10 + Facering, but I decided to avoid it as much as possible because it might become unstable.


I ended up with the following configuration.

Babiniku's structure
Babiniku's structure

It is divided into two parts: audio and video. Also, virtual devices (Soundflower, CamTwist) are needed to link with the video conferencing tool.


Voice Changer: Gachikoe

You want to hear a cute voice, not a deep one, right? That's right. Yes.

I used Gachikoe.

I set Gachikoe as follows.

Gachikoe settings
Gachikoe settings

The output is set to soundflower (2ch).

Virtual Microphone

For the virtual microphone, we use Soundflower. https://github.com/mattingalls/Soundflower/tags

We also used LadioCast to control the routing of audio output. https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/ladiocast/id411213048?mt=12

The settings for LadioCast are as follows.


The input is set to soundflower (2ch) and the output to soundflower (64ch).


Application for VTuber

Desktop: 3tene

When running on a desktop, we used 3tene.


3tene does not require any particular settings. Before shooting, make sure to activate the webcam and lip sync (synchronization of mouth movements).



The crucial character must be in VRM format for 3tene (I'm not sure about this).
I downloaded it from the following sites.



Mobile: Reality

When running on mobile, we used Reality.


Reality does not require any particular settings. You can easily create your favorite character by customizing it.

This is mine.

reality me
reality me

You need to reflect the screen being shot on the iPhone to the Mac. Connect the Mac and iPhone and output to QuickTime Player. It looks like this.

iPhone To QuickTime Player
iPhone To QuickTime Player

"none" is the name of my iPhone device.

Virtual Camera

I used a virtual camera called CamTwist. http://camtwiststudio.com/download/

CamTwist was set as follows.


In the example, the QuickTime Player application is selected. If you are using 3tene, you should select the 3tene option.

How to use (Zoom)

With everything explained so far launched, start Zoom. Zoom was set as follows.

Zoom > Settings > Video
Zoom > Settings > Video

The video will be obtained from CamTwist.

Zoom > Settings > Audio
Zoom > Settings > Audio

The audio will be obtained from Soundflower (64ch).

Now, I was able to "beautify" on Mac!

In conclusion

In teleconferences, is it actually useful to "hide your real appearance and show a different person"? In teleconferencing tools, such as Zoom, there are features to hide audio and video. The demand to "hide your real appearance" has already been solved.

What are the benefits of "beautifying" like this time, I wondered. As a joke, "talking to a cute girl increases productivity"... it's mind-boggling.

Reference links







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