
GPT-Driven Development: Efficient App Development with GPTs

In GPT-driven development, the ability to assess the accuracy of AI-generated outputs is essential. Rather than relying entirely on GPT, active involvement from developers is required.

In this article, I will introduce practical methods and the effectiveness of GPT-driven development by sharing two recent personal web app projects.

Development Flow and Tools Used

The following diagram illustrates the development flow utilizing GPT. This diagram was created using DiagramGPT.

GPT-Driven Development Flow
GPT-Driven Development Flow

If you'd like to view the diagram directly, please check here.

I primarily handle direction, providing specific instructions to GPT tools like ChatGPT and V0 (hereafter referred to as GPTs) to create deliverables. I use the tools as follows:

  • General purposes: ChatGPT
  • Design: V0
  • Icons: LogoAI
    Currently considering other tools. If you have any recommendations, please let me know!
  • Implementation Support: GitHub Copilot
    However, I ultimately use ChatGPT

I repeatedly evaluate and revise the deliverables obtained from GPTs to finalize them. If the output is not as expected, I sometimes implement it myself. In troubleshooting situations described later, I conduct my own investigation when it's difficult to address issues with GPTs.

For infrastructure design like APIs and databases, as well as application design, I adopt familiar technologies and choose cost-effective options suitable for personal development.

Next, I will introduce examples of the apps I developed.

Example of the "Review Mates" App

I developed a web app called "Review Mates (Tentative)," which finds users who have written common reviews on Google Maps.

Review Mates (Tentative) - Architecture
Review Mates (Tentative) - Architecture

If you'd like to view the diagram directly, please check here.

The screen image is as follows:

Review Mates (Tentative) - Screen Image
Review Mates (Tentative) - Screen Image

App Link

The technology stack is as follows:

When troubles caused by external factors (e.g., memory issues with Google Maps) occurred, I proactively worked on solving the problems myself.

Challenges Faced During Development

Memory Leak Issue

When running Google Maps for an extended period, a problem occurred where memory usage increased, leading to a crash. Ideally, it would have been best to recreate Playwright's page, but due to limitations with Crawlee, I temporarily addressed the issue by reloading the page.

In dealing with such unexpected issues, I explore solutions through trial and error alongside GPT tools. When sending error logs to GPT, I intentionally refrain from sharing my own thoughts to seek objective advice. If I have an idea about the cause of the error, I include my considerations to expedite the resolution.

Repetition Issue

When interacting with GPT over time, it sometimes repeats the same responses. For example, if I ask it to consider logic that meets specifications under certain constraints, GPT proposes a workaround. However, if that logic doesn't fully meet some specifications and I request a fix by saying, "Please correct this as ●● isn't working properly," GPT may ignore the original constraints.

In such cases, I make sure to explicitly state the constraints when requesting revisions. This helps GPT to re-recognize the constraints and produce the desired output.

Another Simple App: "Got to Get My Money's Worth"

I also developed a web app called "Got to Get My Money's Worth." This is a simple calculator app that calculates the daily cost based on the product price, usage frequency, and duration. The screen image is as follows:

Got to Get My Money's Worth - Screen Image
Got to Get My Money's Worth - Screen Image

App Link

The design was entrusted to V0, resulting in a simple one-page layout. It doesn't perform any API communication, making it a lightweight app.

I didn't face many challenges here. V0 has a feature called v0.dev/chat that allows you to create web designs in a chat format. The structure can be previewed with Next.js and ui.shadcn. The accuracy is high, and I adopted it almost as is.

One concern was that if you want to use a specific CSS framework, you need to specify the version; otherwise, it results in an error.


When the web app design was not yet finalized, I conveyed the app's concept and the experience I wanted to achieve to V0, and it proposed an astonishingly sophisticated web design.

Moreover, even abstract requests like "Please add more playfulness" were met with the incorporation of gradients, icons, and animations. I was truly impressed by its flexibility and creativity. In hindsight, not conveying detailed specific requests turned out to be beneficial.

Notably, with just two exchanges with V0, a watermelon game-style app was completed. This was an astonishing experience.


Although I rely heavily on GPT, I realize that by clearly dividing roles, efficient development is possible. Previously, I implemented everything from scratch, but now, by having GPT tools prepare the groundwork, I can proceed with projects at a pace similar to team development.

I plan to continue leveraging GPT-driven development to take on the challenge of developing new apps and services.

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