
Debuting "Introduction to Web Components for Beginners" at Techbook Fest 7!

I'm publishing a book for the first time! "Introduction to Web Components for Beginners" will be sold at Techbook Fest 7.

What is Techbook Fest 7?

It's like a Comic Market for engineers. For more details, please refer to the link below.


Who are you?

For more details, please refer to my portfolio.


I'm an engineer who loves web applications. Currently, I'm working as a front-end engineer for an EC site.

What kind of book is it?

It's a book about Web Components for those who know nothing about it. The main flow of the book's content is as follows. Sample codes are provided for each.

  1. Basics of Web Components
  2. ★ Creating Web Components in practice
  3. Introduction to related libraries

Introduction to "Creating Web Components in practice"

The theme is to create Todo Components. The process of creation is introduced in order.

  1. Create a minimal component
  2. Ingenuity in rendering
  3. Data linkage between components

By following the above steps, you can complete the Todo Components. Of course, there is sample code, so you can check the operation.

In addition, I also introduce the implementation of 100% coverage test code, so you can achieve TDD. There seemed to be few introductions of test codes for Web Components on the net, so I mixed it in for the time being.

Finally, I also introduce the procedure to publish Web Components (although I'm not actually doing it).

Column topics

I'm writing about the following topics (not all) as column topics.

  • cloneNode vs innerHTML
  • html-imports
  • slot
  • :host

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Front-end Development

    • The struggle of front-end development
    • Component-based JS frameworks
    • JS framework independence
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2 Web Components

    • Overview
    • The four basic features of Web Components
    • Lifecycle methods
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3 Let's create Web Components

    • Learn by creating
    • Let's create TodoComponents
    • [Practice] Create TodoItem and TodoInput
    • [Practice] Let's be creative with render
    • [Practice] Create MyTodo
    • [Practice] Link each component Part 1
    • [Practice] Link each component Part 2
    • [Practice] Link each component Part 3
    • [Practice] Write test code
    • [Supplement] slot
    • Publishing Web Components
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4 Related Libraries of Web Components

    • Polymer
    • LitElement
    • Material Web Components
    • Other peripheral libraries
    • Summary

Why did I write this?

Mainly for the following reasons:

  1. I wanted to learn about Web Components
  2. I wanted to keep it as a portfolio
  3. I wanted to interact with engineers

Especially, the first reason was significant. As someone who loves the web, I was interested in the technology of Web Components. However, I had never actually tried it, so I had a strong desire to use it as an opportunity to try it out!

When and where will it be sold?

It will be sold at "Ikebukuro Sunshine City Exhibition Hall C/D" on September 22, 2019. Our circle "silverbirder" is located at "U 03C".

Your circle 'silverbirder' U03C
Your circle 'silverbirder' U03C

What is the sales format?

I plan to make it in two forms: a book and an e-book. The book will only be sold as a bound version from Nikko Planning. The e-book is planned to be sold on BOOTH.

Those who purchase the book will be given the e-book for free.

In conclusion

This time, there were too many firsts (laughs). As a result, I had almost no private time (laughs).

  • First participation in a technical book festival
  • First bookbinding
  • First study of Web Components
  • First use of Clip Studio Paint (for illustrations)

At the technical book festival, each engineer outputs what they currently want to write. This makes it easier to catch up with fresh information, so I think it's very efficient for collecting information. I've never participated in a technical book festival, but that's what I think from writing.

"Every book must be interesting!"

After all, we can write about what we love (laughs). That includes me.

On the day of the Technical Book Festival 7, please come to "U 03C" by all means! (I want to go buy books from other circles...!!!)

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