
Tried Running ERNIE-ViLG on Google Colaboratory

I came across an article stating that ERNIE-ViLG is strong with "2D characters". I tried to use it on the next page, but the response was not very good.

So, I thought I would write ERNIE-ViLG on Google Colaboratory, referring to the official page.

Running on Google Colaboratory

The thing I actually made is the following.

I honestly don't understand the contents well (I just tried it according to the official page), but I'll introduce it briefly.


Run the following command to prepare ERNIE-ViLG. (It does not work without a GPU environment)

$ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu -U
$ pip install paddlehub==2.1.0
import paddlehub
$ hub install ernie_vilg


There are two patterns to use.

  1. Execute with CLI (hub command)
  2. Execute with Python (hub library)

In the case of CLI, it is as follows.

$ hub run ernie_vilg --text_prompts "A quiet town" --style "Oil painting" --output_dir ernie_vilg_out

In the case of Python, it is as follows.

import paddlehub as hub

module = hub.Module(name="ernie_vilg")
text_prompts = ["宁静的小镇"]
images = module.generate_image(text_prompts=text_prompts, style='油画', output_dir='./ernie_vilg_out/')

The options are as follows.

  • text_prompts
    • Input text describing the content of the image you want to generate
  • style
    • It is possible to generate images with style
      • Oil painting
      • Watercolor
      • Pastel
      • Cartoon
      • For children
      • Crayon
      • Exploring infinity
  • topk
    • Number of images to generate (up to 6)
  • output_dir
    • Directory to save (default:ernievilg_output)


The text_prompts and style must be written in Chinese.

Easily View Images in Google Colaboratory

When you run ERNIE-ViLG, the output files go into a folder in Google Colaboratory. To view the images, you have to go through the hassle of downloading and opening them.


Therefore, there is a feature to sync the folder with Google Drive. If you use this, you can set the save destination to Google Drive and view the images from the UI of Google Drive.


It's incredibly convenient, so please give it a try.

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