
Getting Familiar with Figma

So far, I have been implementing the web frontend while referring to the wonderful Figma artifacts created by designers. As I experienced this over and over, I wanted to become proficient in using Figma.

Dependence on CSS Frameworks

In my personal development so far, I have been developing web applications with a neat appearance using CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Material UI. I often felt that the "Bootstrap-like" was too strong. However, I didn't know how to improve the look of the web with originality. From a few years ago, Tailwind CSS became a trend, and I wanted to aim for more free styling. Furthermore, I have been doing more work to convert designs using Figma into React code in my work, and I have been doing more styling myself. That's why I wanted to use Figma myself.

Formulating Concepts

Instead of starting Figma suddenly, I first roughly thought about the purpose, target, and problems to be solved of the web application I wanted to draw. I thought about these using the food price comparison service "bochi bochi" that I am developing personally as an example.

Referencing Design Systems

Once the concept was somewhat solidified, I referred to the design system of the Digital Agency. From basic styles such as typography, color, and spacing, to components such as buttons and text fields, I refer to what seems to be useful.

Learning How to Use Figma

When I started the project in Figma, I initially focused on the design for smartphones without considering the responsive design for PCs and tablets. I initially struggled with the operation of Figma, but my understanding of the functions gradually deepened by using it repeatedly. In particular, I felt the convenience of defining and reusing styles and components. Among them, the Auto Layout function is exceptional, and I use it frequently because of its ease of use.

Actually Designing

I actually did the design work and felt a big change before and after the design. When I used Figma before, I was just stacking basic shapes or sketching roughly by hand. However, now I feel that I can create a more structured, proper design.

Below is the appearance of bochi bochi implemented without using Figma.

Before bochi bochi
Before bochi bochi

And here is the new design of bochi bochi that I worked on using Figma in the past few days.

After bochi bochi
After bochi bochi

It's hard to say which is superior, but personally, I'm satisfied with the new design.


From now on, I plan to implement the designs created in Figma into React code and apply them to the already operational bochi bochi. Meeting Figma has added a new step to my development skills.

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